Component generation
Component generation offers pre-defined templates of the necessary files to kickstart development and automatically export the created components for use in the project. In this document, we will explore the process of component generation and the steps required to get started with this powerful feature.
1. Start the documentation site development server
The Paragon documentation site serves both as documentation and as a workbench to create your component within. To see your component in action, you need to run the documentation site locally.
npm installnpm start
2. Create new component
To create new component run
npm run generate-component MyComponent
where MyComponent
is your new component's name.
This will create a directory in /src/
that will contain templates for all necessary files to start developing the component:
MyComponent├── index.jsx├──├── index.scss└── MyComponent.test.jsx
The script will also automatically export your component from Paragon.
3. Start developing
is where your component lives, the file is created with the following template, edit it to implement your own component.
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import classNames from 'classnames';const MyComponent = React.forwardRef(({ className, children }, ref) => (<div ref={ref} className={classNames('png__MyComponent', className)}>{children}</div>));MyComponent.defaultProps = {className: undefined,};MyComponent.propTypes = {/** A class name to append to the base element. */className: PropTypes.string,/** Specifies contents of the component. */children: PropTypes.node.isRequired,};export default MyComponent;
4. (Optional) Add styles to your component.
If your component requires additional styling (which most likely is the case), edit created SCSS style sheet in your
component's directory /src/MyComponent/index.scss
which by default contains an empty class for your component.
If you wish to use CSS variables (which is the preferred way of styling the components since values can be easily overridden and customized by the consumers of Paragon), you can do so by utilizing design tokens.
Please note that you need to follow Paragon's CSS styling conventions.
5. Document your component
The documentation for your component lives in src/MyComponent/
. The documentation site scans this directory for markdown or mdx files to create pages. By default, the file is created with following content:
---title: 'MyComponent'type: 'component'components:- MyComponentstatus: 'New'designStatus: 'Done'devStatus: 'Done'notes: |Something special about this component---Describe your component here and give usage examples.### Basic Usage```jsx live<MyComponent>Hello!</MyComponent>```