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DesktopMobileCSS Class

Heading 1


Heading 1



Heading 2


Heading 2



Heading 3


Heading 3



Heading 4


Heading 4



Heading 5


Heading 5



Heading 6


Heading 6



Heading Label


Heading Label




Desktop & MobileCSS Class

Large Body





Small Body



Extra Small Body



Micro Body




DesktopMobileCSS Class

Display 1


Display 1



Display 2


Display 2



Display 3


Display 3



Display 4


Display 4





An inline link in a sentence.

For links inside a p or with the .inline-link class name.

Muted, Standalone Link

.muted-link not in a p tag.

An muted, inline link in a sentence.

For .muted-link links inside a p or with the .inline-link class name.

Decoration and Emphasis

StyleCSS Class

Lowercase text.


uppercase text.


capitalize text.


No decorations.


Italic text.


Bold text.


Regular text.



StyleCSS Class

left text.


right text.


center text.


The text-justify class specifies the justification method of text. This text-justify class spreads the words into the complete line with equal spaces.


Use text-wrap to cause text to wrap normally within an element. Newlines and spaces will be collapsed.


Use text-nowrap to prevent text from wrapping within an element. Newlines and spaces will be collapsed. You can prevent line breaks and text wrapping for specific elements

