
npm_versionnpm Paragon package page



DesktopMobileCSS Class

Heading 1

NaNpx / NaNpx

Heading 1

NaNpx / NaNpx


Heading 2

NaNpx / NaNpx

Heading 2

NaNpx / NaNpx


Heading 3

NaNpx / NaNpx

Heading 3

NaNpx / NaNpx


Heading 4

NaNpx / NaNpx

Heading 4

NaNpx / NaNpx


Heading 5

NaNpx / NaNpx

Heading 5

NaNpx / NaNpx


Heading 6

NaNpx / NaNpx

Heading 6

NaNpx / NaNpx


Heading Label

NaNpx / NaNpx

A heading label is usually paired with and proceeds a Heading.


Desktop & MobileCSS Class

Large Body

NaNpx / NaNpx



NaNpx / NaNpx

Small Body

NaNpx / NaNpx


Extra Small Body

NaNpx / NaNpx


Micro Body

NaNpx / NaNpx



DesktopMobileCSS Class

Display 1

NaNpx / NaNpx

Display 1

NaNpx / NaNpx


Display 2

NaNpx / NaNpx

Display 2

NaNpx / NaNpx


Display 3

NaNpx / NaNpx

Display 3

NaNpx / NaNpx


Display 4

NaNpx / NaNpx

Display 4

NaNpx / NaNpx



Standalone LinkThe default style for a tags that don't appear in a p tag.

An inline link in a sentence.

For links inside a p or with the .inline-link class name.
Muted, Standalone Link.muted-link not in a p tag.

An muted, inline link in a sentence.

For .muted-link links inside a p or with the .inline-link class name.

Decoration and Emphasis

StyleCSS Class

Lowercase text.


uppercase text.


capitalize text.


No decorations.


Italic text.


Bold text.


Regular text.



StyleCSS Class

left text.


right text.


center text.


justify text.

At the edge of forever tendrils of gossamer clouds corpus callosum culture Vangelis dispassionate extraterrestrial observer.


wrap text.


nowrap text.

